• Expertises, inventories of works of art, collectibles, movable heritage, household contents, jewellery, precious stones, gems and watches, for private customers or for legal entities (institutions, lawyers, notaries, insurances)
  • Strategic advices and assistance for the sale or the purchase of works of art and/or craft production, jewellery, precious stones, gems and watches
  • Advices and assistance in the context of a personal property acquired by inheritance, succession, share, legacy
  • Expertises, appraisals and authentications for insurance covers and in case of damage or loss
  • Organization and cataloguing of private sales
  • Conferences, seminars

Efficiency and Professionalism

With a long and extensive experience, our team of experts offers a comprehensive, personalized solution and adapted to your needs.

Reliability and Loyalty Guaranteed

We guarantee expertises under the highest standard of professional ethic.

Discretion and Confidentiality

We work in a spirit of mutual trust, we assure you total discretion and an absolute confidentiality.

Neutrality and Impartiality

SSEP is not selling, not buying. Our independent status ensures a neutral and impartial expertise, avoiding any conflict of interest.